Sunday, January 10, 2010

juicy dangler

oh shit, it's the future. for a second there, I almost was up keeping a blog! I guess I'm ok with saying the word 'blog' now, although I don't have much thoughts about it.

I've been invaded by british things and I must say I quite like it. watching lots of my new parallel hero Vince Noir in the weirdest/funniest show I've seen in some time: the Mighty Boosh. get stuffed, ya berk. I can hear it in my head, the accents. Also, reading a lot of proper yet smutty Holmes/Watson fic, which is rather a delight, I must say. oh god, I can't stop.

In other news, there isn't much. I read my horoscope for the year (although I don't follow that stuff, I just look for signs when I need em, in whatever form they are) and it said I'd be better financially, as last year was a complete wreck. this sounded promising although what proof besides "leo orbiting into saturn" does that even mean. especially since I quit my 2nd job. now I'm back to sleeping in and napping too much. I want a second job I actually like and I can use some creativity instead of surfing the internet for 7 hours out of 8 in the day. I do enough of that at home. speaking of which, I should try to be at that less.

I have this great idea where I allow myself to dress up and be seen and make acquaintances. but then the other half just doesn't giiivvvee aaaa shiiiitttt. I work in customer service, and I hate meeting 98% of those people. I wish just people I liked and thought were cool and smart and fashionable would all flock to me like some unspoken club of awesome.

what can I do that doesn't require a lot of work to not do a lot of work and get everything I want out of life. is the secret inventing the secret and selling it to people who ask this question like myself? oh shit I figured out the real secret.

also, I'm not going to capitalize still, but I was tempted, briefly.