Friday, October 23, 2009

"where's my tall boy?" (at home)

it's after 3 am. I'm listening to the Chrono Trigger soundtrack, organizing my HD and drawing. If I don't accomplish something every day, it's like the day won't even matter. I wish sometimes I could make every day memorable but that's not how it works, I 'spose. One time I read about this woman who apparently can't forget anything even if she tried. she remembers every detail of her life since she was born or something crazy. scientists didn't even know what hit em. I love that crazy shit you hear from around the world that "baffles" scientists. FIGURE IT OUT DUDES, YOU WENT TO MEDICAL SCHOOL! like some article I read about how this one guy in this tiny town on this tiny asian island hadn't slept for 30 years, and he's not even tired! maybe they should check if he's super human?? hello!?

anyways, all those things could be lies, but as Ripley always dares me to believe it or not, I always believe it. I wonder if Ripley throws in a fake fact once in awhile to test us.

I've been starting to draw again, hopefully I'll keep it up. mostly I should be working on film related things. but all I seem to really do is day dream about japan and being rich. needs me a second job. I want to make a video like this one day. can't stop listening/watching it. I read that it was originally a song written for britney spears, but har mar ended up with it instead, and didn't change any lyrics. love it.